Useful baking equipment
All the baking equipment you’ll need, from creating your sourdough starter from scratch, to bannetons and baking tools. Also some handy places to buy the best organic ingredients. If you need any help sourcing any of the equipment below, just CONTACT ME and I’ll try and help.
What you’ll need for your sourdough starter
My starters live in these 1 litre Kilner jars. Remove the rubber seal when feeding, replace the seal when storing. It’s a good idea to have 2 on hand, one for the Mother starter, another for building a starter for a baking recipe.
These easy to clean scales are a must for every kitchen. If you’ve not got any I seriously recommend you get some.
Silicone spatulas for mixing your sourdough starter are essential. This set of 3 silicone plastic spatulas will serve you well.
A good quality organic rye flour is essential to creating your sourdough starter.
Filtered water is an absolute must when creating your sourdough starter. It ensures no nasties are in the water that will compete with your wild yeasts. This water filter also comes with 3 filter cartidges.
Some of the baking equipment you’ll need
A must have tool for cutting. mving and lifting your dough. This dough scraper is great for all round use.
A dough whisk is a really good investment. You’ll find this invaluable for bringing together all your ingredients to form your dough.
Designed to outlast you, this cast iron dutch oven traps steam to encourage maximum dough rise.
Lighter than cast iron and gives good baking results, this enamel roaster is a light alternative to the cast iron dutch oven.
A nice quality mixing bowl, and these Mason Cash earthenware mixing bowl is just timeless.
A food thermometer is essential for accurately checking water, dough and final bread temperatures.
A lame is used to score your dough before baking. Don’t forget to add a razor blade!
Knowing the temperature of your room will greatly help with proving your dough. This one also has a handy built in timer.
And now for the flour
Rice flour. Unless you want to feel the pain of your sourdough sticking to your banneton you will need this. And please don’t use normal flour for your banneton, it will not stop it sticking. Rice flour is King here.
This is my go to flour for all my sourdough baking, Marriages Organic Strong White (16Kg). High protein content, unbleached and organic.
This is my go to wholemeal flour for all my sourdough baking, Marriages Canadian Stone Ground. High protein content, 100% wholemeal.
Organic Kamut Flour (also known as Khorasan flour) is light gold in colour and is high in protein, making it perfect for use in bread.
A good quality organic rye flour is essential to creating and maintaining your sourdough starter.
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Flour salt and water
Sourdough Bread
Made with the simple basic ingredients of flour, water and salt; there are three distinct stages to making a sourdough loaf (1) The Starter (2) The Ferment and (3) The Dough itself.
A little bit about this site
I want to offer and share information, tips, techniques, recipes and tools for the home baker, with an above average interest in the art of sourdough bread making.