Bakers Percentage
Bakers Percentage
What do we mean by Bakers Percentage?
Bakers percentage is a technique of writing recipes where each ingredient is given a percentage based off the weight of flour in the recipe. Still with me?
When using bakers percentages flour is always 100%. No matter how much is in the recipe. The percentage of each other ingredient is then calculated based on the weight of flour.
So this leads to an easy formula, (Weight of ingredient ÷ Weight of flour) X 100= Baker’s Percentage
Lets quickly think about our starter. If you’ve followed my guides on building your own starter, you’ll probably recognise that it’s a 100% starter. We use 30g flour with 30g water. So it gives us a formula of (30g water ÷ 30g flour) X 100 = 100%.
Bakers Percentage Example
Now let’s look at my basic no knead sourdough recipe.
This recipe calls for:
500g flour
340g water
9g salt, and for now we’ll ignore the starter.
Writing the recipe as a bakers percentage it would look like this:
flour 100%
water 68% (340g water ÷ 500g flour) x 100 = 68
salt 1.8% (1.8g salt ÷ 500g flour) x 100 = 1.8
Flour salt and water
Sourdough Bread
Made with the simple basic ingredients of flour, water and salt; there are three distinct stages to making a sourdough loaf (1) The Starter (2) The Ferment and (3) The Dough itself.
A little bit about this site
I want to offer and share information, tips, techniques, recipes and tools for the home baker, with an above average interest in the art of sourdough bread making.